>> The Anglo-Celt Article 2010 (.pdf)
“…bewitchingly regal performance…” The Himalayan Times
“…she creates a sea of sounds that flow serenly, touches the inner chords and transports the audience to another plane of happiness and relaxation…” Simplicity Magazine India
“..a treat for music lovers…” Chandigarh Tribune, India
“…sailing on musical notes, armed with the universal language of music…” Chandigarh Live, India
“….Karin Leitner interpretierte das Konzert von Carl Reinecke mit romantischer Verve, aber auch mit einer gehörigen Dosis an Mysterium. Am schönsten erklang der zweite Satz, sehr lyrisch, mit einem gelungenen Dialog zwischen Flöte und Cello.Im letzten Teil des Konzertes stellte Karin Leitner ihre ausgezeichnete Technik unter Beweis, die zusammen mit der subtilen Klangfarbe der Flöte beim Publikum einen rundum positiven Eindruck hinterliess.”Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
>> Article in Tenby Observer, Wales 2007:
“…It is not surpirising that performances by Karin Leitner have been favourably compared with those of James Galway…” Tenby Observer, Wales 2007
“…It is not surpirising that performances by Karin Leitner have been favourably compared with those of James Galway…” Tenby Observer, Wales 2007
“…A surefire recipe for aural pleasure…”(Western People Magazine, Ireland)
“….Karin employed a modern wooden flute from which she obtained a surprising brilliance of tone in the upper register. Breath control was exemplary, intonation secure, and finger work as agile as anything the composer could have demanded of the admittedly excellent ducal soloist for whom the part was written.” (Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, City Hall, Feb 2005, The Cape Times)
” … “Carneval von Venedig” …der hervorragenden Flötistin schienen technische Grenzen fremd zu sein.”(PLANSEE, Tirol, Abokonzerte, Ausserferner Nachrichten, 2005)
“…most talented, attractive and enormously accomplished international performer… I have not heard a flute played with such finesse and sensitivity since a recital given by James Galway many decades ago….” (Eastnor Castle, 2004)
“…demanding the ultimate in breathing and fingering technique from the flautist, Karin Leitner was more than up to it!…” (South Wales Evening Post 2004)
“…healing sounds of an angelic flute…” (Midland Tribune, Ireland 2003)
…wonderfully soothing and athmospheric music reflecting the relaxing walks associated with the Gardens of Birr Castle…” (Social and Personal, 2001)
“Reiche Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung brachte die Flötistin Karin Leitner ein, als sie, mit schönem Ton und einfühlsamer Phrasierung Apartes von Fauré und Enescu, sowie u.a. Reinecke ausführte.” (Die Presse 1995, Vienna)
Preisträgerkonzert “Jugend Musiziert”, Konzerthaus Wien: “Was besonders auffiel, waren die hervorragenden Leistungen der Holzbläser, allen voran der Flötistin Karin Leitner.” (Die Presse 1993, Vienna)